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The calibration method and detailed steps of hopper scale are introduced

Time:2022-11-18 09:10:09      Click:176

It is normal for the hopper scale to be inaccurate in use, so how to calibrate it?


1. Before the hopper scale is used, the standard sensor and supporting weighing instrument should be calibrated on the force measuring machine (or weight).

2. The standard sensor is placed above the loading plate of the hopper scale sensor, and the jack is placed between the frame of the standard sensor. The position of the three is adjusted so that the central axis of the three items, the standard sensor and the hopper scale sensor coincide.

3, hopper scale through supporting weighing instrument, fine tuning each jack, so that each point by a little force and the point of the force balance.

4, operate the hopper scale weighing instrument, so that the instrument display is zero.

5, calibration should be added weight, calculate the average weight of each point should be added, according to the supporting weighing instrument display, at the same time evenly adjust the jack loading. The supporting weighing instrument shows the required weight. After stabilizing, the hopper scale weighing instrument should be calibrated as soon as possible.

6. After the completion of the calibration of the hopper scale, the jack is loaded or unloaded, and the weight value of the supporting weighing instrument and the weighing instrument of the hopper scale at each gear is compared to calculate the accuracy of the hopper scale.

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